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Primary Care Partners Collaboration Call Summary

September 30, 2020

Olympic Community of Health brought together primary care partners to provide opportunities for shared learning and collaboration. Seven partners attended from across the three-county region.

Ideas for Community-Clinical Linkage projects:

  • Peninsula Community Health Services (PCHS) submitted their proposal to partner with the Salvation Army to enhance care coordination.

Community Information Exchange (CIE) update:  OCH continues to explore a regional CIE. Per the OCH Board's guidance, a small workgroup is currently exploring Unite Us and Julota platforms.

Partner Spotlight: Northwest Family Medical Residency Completes Six Building Blocks Program

  • Highly recommend the Six Building Blocks program

  • OCH has a contract with Six Building Blocks through the end of 2020

  • Identified challenge: alignment on suboxone and pain prescribing. Three-County Coordinated Opioid Response Project (3CCORP) Treatment Workgroup will discuss next steps.

Follow Up from Immunization Call:

  • PCHS has given almost 1,000 high-dose flu immunizations. Will be offering extended flu clinics (weekend/evening), 6 events Nov/Dec/Jan. Also conducting outreach to schools. 

  • Jefferson Healthcare is awaiting final vaccine supplies to start drive thru immunizations, hopefully next week. Flu immunizations by appointment only. Also offering at some satellite locations.

  • Concern about ability to test for the flu given limited testing supplies. 

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