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Building Resilient Communities Through Trauma-Informed Care Training

In September of 2024, Olympic Community of Health (OCH) partnered with Kitsap Strong to bring three trauma-informed care trainings to the Olympic region. These trainings were requested by partners and are one way that OCH aims to build capacity among the local network of community-based workers and trusted helpers working to support community members to achieve their goals.

The primary trainer for the sessions, Linda Segur, is a self-identified neuroscience enthusiast, has been part of the Kitsap Strong Speakers Bureau since 2017, and has extensive experience in the mental health field, including her time as a Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) provider. She brings a deep sense of empathy and passion for trauma-informed care, guided by insights from neuroscience.

"The material, interactions and examples were very engaging, fun and interesting" - Trauma -Informed Care training participant

The training provided participants with opportunities to engage through hands-on activities, exploration, discussion, and listening. Participants explored how the brain makes predictions based on past experiences and reflected on how understanding these patterns could influence their daily work. Throughout, Linda challenged participants to consider, “How might this knowledge change how I go about my job?”

Participants emerged with renewed hope and committed to cultivating resiliency in the community.

To further your learning, explore these resources on trauma-informed care and its impact on community health. Together, we can create a more resilient and connected community. OCH looks forward to bringing additional learning and convening opportunities to the region.

Trauma-Informed Care Resources:

Hope Centered & Trauma Informed Webinar

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